The Official Rules of Golf
The Rules of Golf

General Rules
The Rules of Golf content is intended for those who administer the game and who need to answer the variety of questions that can arise in relation to golf competitions. If you are a player, it is recommended that you should first consult 'The Player's Edition'.
1. A ball coming to rest must be played as it lies.
2. The Wahi River which runs through and along the course is a water hazard on the whole course. Similarly, all ponds on the course are in play and shall be treated as water hazards.
3. A ball coming to rest on a bare patch on the fairway only may be dropped laterally in the nearest grass if found within one club length only or may be moved backwards to the hole nearest grassed area, keep the original line to the hole without improving that line. A player may not obtain relief of one club length to the side as above if there is an obstacle in the line of play, for example a tree or a bunker etc. The play option is to move the ball backwards to the nearest grass directly in line with the original line.
4. Caddies are strictly prohibited from preceding players to search for the ball in the rough.
5. Failure by a player to repair his/her pitch mark on the green shall incur a penalty of 1 stroke.
6. There shall be no relief in the rough for tractor tyres and similar marks. These are deemed to be part of the course and play must proceed without any relief.
7. Phone calls are strictly prohibited during club competitions. Golfers will incur a penalty of 1 stroke per answered call. Golfers are advised to put their phone on silent or off to avoid disturbing other golfers.
8. The stroke-and-distance rule for a ball that is lost out of a penalty area or “out of bounds” shall apply in all such circumstances.
9. Ant hills shall be deemed to part of the course and there shall be no relief for any ball coming to rest on ant hill.
10. There shall be no relief from a young plant unless it is clearly marked as such.
Hole 1 - There are “out of bounds" stakes on the right side of hole 1.
Hole 2 – There are no hazards and “out of bounds” on hole 2.
Hole 3 - There "out of bounds” on both the western and the northern parts of the green.
Hole 4 - The Wahi River on the left side of the hole should be treated as a course boundary. Balls that fall in the drain and beyond shall be considered “out of bounds”. The ponds around the island green are water hazards.
Hole 5 - Any ball crossing unto number 4 fairway should be treated as a ball lying in the rough.
Hole 6 - Any ball crossing unto hole 2 and 5 shall be treated as a ball lying in the rough. Any ball crossing unto the premises/bungalows along the eastern portion from "T" Block shall be treated as “out of bounds”.
Hole 7 – There are “out of bounds” stakes on the right side of the hole, the workshop building construction site and beyond the green. Generally, any ball crossing unto the premises of the bungalows of the eastern portion of this hole shall also be treated as “out of bounds”.
Hole 8 - Any ball lying in the trench continuing from number 10 fairways shall not attract any penalty but shall be free drop. The ponds shall be treated as water hazards.
Hole 9 - The Wahi River, the main drain stretching on the western side of the fairway and the lateral drains shall all be treated as water hazards. Any ball crossing the kerb by the green or the stakes marking the practice green area or the stakes behind the range or the fenced construction site shall all be treated as “out of bounds.” There is no relief when a ball lies close to the kerb.
Holes 10 - All balls crossing unto the SK Mainoo Street on the right side of the hole and beyond shall be treated as out of bounds.
Hole 11 - The Wahi River and the ponds shall be treated as water hazards.
Hole 12 – There are no hazards and “out of bounds” on hole 12.
Hole 13 - All balls crossing unto the SK Mainoo Street over the green and beyond shall be treated as out of bounds
Hole 14 - All balls lying on the road of Residency drive and entering the Residency shall be treated as out of bounds.
Hole 15 - There are no hazards and “out of bounds” on hole 15.
Holes 16 & 17 - Any ball entering or crossing the fence wall of the residency drive shall automatically be considered a lost ball. No attempt shall be made by either, a golfer or caddy to either climb or scale the fence wall in an attempt to find the ball in the residency. Any golfer who infringes this rule shall be penalized two strokes. A caddy shall be considered as an agent of his master in this.
Hole 18 – There are “out of bounds” stakes just beyond the ponds on the right side of the hole. Any ball crossing the kerb by the green or the stakes marking the practice green area or the stakes behind the range or the fenced construction site shall all be treated as “out of bounds.” There is no relief when a ball lies close to the kerb.